🍿 During my free time

I spend my free time doing several things, including keeping up with the latest technology trends, as well as maintaining my automated Plex server running on Docker.

💪 My skills

Thanks to particularly active technological monitoring and through my various professional experiences, I have acquired numerous technical skills.

  • Full-stack development


    Proficient in full-stack development with modern technologies such as TypeScript, Nuxt, Next, and Drizzle. Nowadays all major front-end framework have a similar syntax and somewhat similar ways to think about problems, so switching from one framework to another is not a problem. I also use Golang on some projects, although mostly to interact with Pocketbase's already defined APIs.

  • Accessibility


    I obtained the "Développer des sites web accessibles" certification issued by the training organization Access42.

  • Docker


    Proficiency in container deployment using the latest web technologies.

  • Linux command line


    During my free time, I administer my own server with various services (Portainer, Plex, Pyload, ...), and as a result, I am very confortable with the command line.

💻 Projects

I have had the opportunity to work on several professional projects as well as personal projects during my technological monitoring.

Alsacréations ESLint & Prettier preset

Technologies :
  • Conventional Commits
  • TypeScript
  • Github Actions
  • npm
  • ESLint

npm package that allows the Alsacréations agency to quickly configure ESLint while adhering to the agency's multiple guidelines.

Guidelines - Alsacréations

Technologies :
  • Markdown
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • JSON

Active participation on my personal time in the open-source project of the Alsacréations agency guidelines.

CFC - Design System

Technologies :
  • TypeScript
  • SolidJS
  • React
  • Storybook
  • Custom Elements
  • Zod
  • Github Actions

While working with Alsacréations, I had the opportunity to contribute to the development of the CFC design system as its Lead Dev. My role was to develop, maintain the code and handle code reviews for other contributors. This was a particularly interesting project since we had to develop Custom Elements and they are still to this day quite painful to write and maintain, this is also while we opted for SolidJS for reactivity. I also set up the CI with Github Actions for automated releases and changelog generation.


Technologies :
  • TypeScript
  • JSDoc
  • Vue.js
  • CSS
  • Git
  • WebSockets

While working with Alsacréations, I had the opportunity to contribute to the development of the PopLab app. It is a platform that facilitates communication between teachers and students. It is a large project that requires a significant amount of time and personal and professional investment.


Technologies :
  • Astro
  • TypeScript
  • SolidJS
  • Uno CSS
  • Git
  • Netlify

My personal website that you are currently viewing ;).


Technologies :
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Git
  • Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • Markdown
  • Netlify functions
  • React
  • Docker
  • TMDB
  • Vite

This application allows you to search for movies and TV shows. It is particularly useful for finding popular and highly rated content. It is also my go-to platform for selecting movies to add to my Plex server!

The project's source code is available here.


Technologies :
  • Astro
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • SolidJS
  • Docker
  • Portainer
  • Uno CSS
  • Plex
  • Radarr
  • Sonarr
  • Debian
  • Git

My website, hosted on my local network, allows me to manage my personal server with all my services.

📝 Blog posts

While working with Alsacréations as well as during my free time, I have had the opportunity to write articles on topics related to web development.

Ma certification en accessibilité numérique

Why I use Tailwind CSS

L'API Fetch en JavaScript, qu'est ce que c'est ?

Utilisation d'une API REST avec Vue.js et TypeScript

Création d'une API REST avec Express et TypeScript

Découverte de TypeScript

Timber, pourquoi écrire du Twig dans WordPress ?

Tailwind CSS, découverte du framework original et innovant